BOFIAWU intends to deliver these benefits to all its members; Collective Bargaining Negotiates with employers on behalf of its members to secure better working conditions. Support & Advice Provides support and advice to its members on a range of issues, including employment rights, workplace safety, and career development. Networking Provides opportunities for members to connect and network with other financial sectors services employees. Equal opportunities, and protection against discrimination Unions fight for equal opportunities in the workplace. We advocate for laws that give rights to workers: the minimum wage, maximum working time, paid holidays, equal pay for work of equal value as well as anti-discrimination laws. Security and stability Members are more likely to stay in their jobs for longer than non-unionized workers. Mobile Contracts Negotiation Negotiates lower mobile contract rates with various networks. Download application form Membership BOFIAWU represents the interests of all workers in the financial sector. Anyone employed in the financial institutions listed below can become a member; Commercial banks Insurance institutions Asset managers Stock exchanges Pension funds Security dealers Savings and Cooperative Societies (SACCOS) Micro lenders Pawn Shops